Saturday 26 May 2012 collars unite...♥♥♥

Collars are...tricky. Peter pans have been seen so often stuck onto tops like the designer hasn't even thought about it that the sight of them makes me bristle. But ATTACHABLE, EBELLISHED collars, beset with lace trimming and little jewels and sequins and studs...

Handmade Pearl Detachable Collar

Now thats what I'm Talking about. Romwe. com is the go to for this. Searching through their archives, I can just see the outfits I can jazz up with the aid of one of these beauties. A lace one with ripped shorts and eyeliner. A studded number with a tea dress and ballet flats. Mother may I!

All images are from polyvore, linked to

1 comment:

  1. love collars! the lace peter pan style ones are my fave :)

